
Sacramental Life

Students and teachers attend Mass each week, celebrating the liturgical seasons, and saints of the Church throughout the school year. A highlight for each homeroom in 1st-8th grade is preparing to lead the Mass as readers, choir singers and altar servers.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

The sacrament of reconciliation is also an important part of the students’ spiritual formation. Students in grades 3-8 will go to confession regularly throughout the school year.

Sacramental Preparation

Preparation for sacraments is a very joyful time for our students. Students receive instructional preparation from our Dominican sisters for the reception of Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation. Penance and First Communion are received by 2nd graders and Confirmation by 8th graders. Preparation is a spiritual, family experience, and students grow in their faith, a sense of community and their connection to the Church.