Sacraments & Faith Formation


Sacramental Life

Students and teachers attend Mass each week, celebrating the liturgical seasons and saints of the Church throughout the school year. A highlight for each homeroom in first through eighth grade is preparing to lead the Mass as readers, choir singers, and altar servers.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

The sacrament of Reconciliation is also an important part of the students’ spiritual formation. Students in grades three through eight will go to confession regularly throughout the school year.

Sacramental Preparation

Preparation for sacraments is a very joyful time for our students. Students receive instructional preparation from our Dominican Sisters for the reception of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.

First Reconciliation and First Communion are received by second graders, and Confirmation is received by eighth graders.

Preparation is a spiritual, family experience, and students grow in their faith, a sense of community, and their connection to the Church.



Faith both defines and animates our activity at St. Gertrude School. It grounds our mission and orients our vision. Flowing from this reality is a firm commitment to the sacramental, spiritual, and liturgical life of each student. Throughout the year, St. Gertrude School students participate in regular faith formation activities that build and equip their capacity to receive and grow in God’s grace.

Religion Classes

The students of St. Gertrude School participate in daily religion class taught by trained catechists. In grades kindergarten through third grade, students attend classes in the atrium, following the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program.

Virtues in Practice

To further enhance their practice and development in virtue, students participate in monthly lessons on the virtues and complete home activities. One of the theological virtues (faith, hope, and love) provides the overall theme for the year. For every month of school, a virtue related to the year’s theological virtue is highlighted. For example, the virtue of courtesy, along with eight other virtues, are highlighted during the year of love. In addition to practicing the virtues, students learn about saints who demonstrated the virtues in their lives.

The Virtue in Practice formation program has been a daily part of the life of St. Gertrude School for many years. The program, which was developed by the Dominican Sisters, is a tangible way for children to experience true happiness and grow in friendship with Jesus Christ.

Spiritual & Liturgical Life

Throughout the year, students participate in spiritual and liturgical activities which support the development of the whole child and build Catholic culture and community. These activities include:

  • Daily Prayer
  • Weekly Mass
  • Confession
  • Liturgical Feasts and Celebrations
  • Adoration
  • Rosary Procession
  • Gallery of Saints
  • Faith Rally
  • Altar Servers (grades 4-8; boys)
  • St. Anne’s Guild (grades 4-8; girls)
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Christmas Pageant
  • Passion Play
  • Retreats
  • May Crowning
  • Households
  • Instruction by Dominican Novices
  • St. Gertrude Church Faith Formation

Discover the St. Gertrude School Difference


October 23 & November 6

9-11 a.m.

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